MaryBeth Piccinino, born and raised in Detroit, Michigan was the middle child of nine though her twin brothers died at birth leaving a profound effect on her parents. They were devout Catholics who passed on their faith by always attending Mass as a family on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation and going to confession monthly. Her parents put all seven children through Catholic elementary and high school even though it was an extremely difficult financial burden on a firefighter's salary. This impressed Mary Beth even as a young child how important worshiping on a daily basis of FAITH/FAMILY.
MaryBeth married Michael Piccinino in 1973 and left two weeks later for what would become a 20-year adventure in the Air Force. During that time, they were blessed with a son and two daughters. Though they lived geographically distant from both of their families whom they were very close to, they soon realized the importance of connecting with people at each duty station since they would become their family/friends away from of FAMILY/FRIENDS.
Along with her background in adult education, MaryBeth has been an avid memory-keeper, sharing the mission of both Creative Memories and Forever. She enjoys helping people preserve the memories and stories that are most important to them to pass on to future generations. She also continues to challenge herself seeking new opportunities for personal growth and ways to give back through volunteer commitments. One of MaryBeth's most meaningful ministries is being part of the Chaplain's office at INOVA Hospital where she has been honored and humbled to serve as a volunteer chaplain since 1997.
MaryBeth continues to celebrate life daily being grateful for her greatest blessings... faith, family & friends and taking time to truly enjoy them.
Colleen Duffy Kiko, a native of North Dakota, is a cradle Catholic. In 1972 she moved to the Washington, D.C. area where she met and married Phil Kiko (also a cradle Catholic from Ohio). They raised four children, and have eight grandchildren. Colleen was involved for many years with her parish, St. Charles Borromeo, as well as St. Charles School in Arlington, VA. She currently is a parishioner at St. Thomas More in Arlington, VA.
Since 1980, she has also been very active with the Cursillo community, a Catholic lay movement whose mission is to evangelize your environment, through piety, study and action. In addition to her full time legal career, her energies are focused on encouraging people to write down their faith journey so the powerful legacy of experiencing God’s daily support can be tangibly recorded for future generations. Colleen has facilitated over the past 20 years numerous scrapbooking and Faithbook events.
Leaving a Legacy
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